On this website, we have made a number of photos available for download.
The photos have been made available under Creative Commons licence CC-BY-ND 4.0, and you may use the photos under the terms of this license.
The photographer must always be credited, as follows from the Creative Commons license.
When using the photos, you must always respect Peter Opsvik’s moral rights, by clearly stating that the depicted works are created by Peter Opsvik, for example by including the following wording: “Design: Peter Opsvik”.
The photos contain images of design furniture and other works of applied art created by Peter Opsvik.
The works of applied art are protected by copyright in Norway and abroad, and the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the works of applied arts belong to Peter Opsvik AS.
All rights in the design furniture and other works of applied art shown in the photos are reserved by Peter Opsvik AS, and you are not granted any rights to use any of the works of applied art, beyond your right to use the photos containing images of the same in accordance with CC-BY-ND 4.0.