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Moving using renewable sources of energy

Protoype: 1996

Human beings are one of the few mammals that can adapt to living almost anywhere on the planet. If we look back a long way, it took many generations for a group of people to move to new living areas. At present, we are very mobile, to put it mildly.

It is unavoidable that in the future people will have to move themselves and their possessions over greater distances than they can manage on foot. Apart from trying to limit people's journeys, we need to strive to move ourselves and our possessions using as little energy as possible. This means that moving should be achieved using renewable sources of energy, as far as is possible.

The prototype "BUTTERFLY" is not a finished solution or a proposal for a design. At present it must be regarded as a sketch or "rolling stand" for testing a concept for light electric vehicles where the energy capture cells are mounted on the vehicle and charge the vehicle's batteries.

A sculpture on wheels that aims to turn the spotlight on the sun and the wind as sources of energy for use in the transport sector.

Butterfly was developed in collaboration with architect Harald Røstvik.
