Compasso d’Oro · 2022

XXVII Compasso d’Oro International Career Award
"ADI and the ADI Foundation have selected Peter Opsvik as an undisputed proponent of design culture and we are honoured to present you with the COMPASSO D'ORO INTERNATIONAL CAREER AWARD"
The jury´s statement:
In a highly characterized context such as Scandinavian design, the main feature of his design path is linked to the quest for products capable of profoundly revolutionizing types of use, breaking behavioural stereotypes and promoting new hypotheses and forms of ergonomics.
In un contesto fortemente caratterizzato come quello del design scandinavo, Il tratto prevalente del suo percorso progettuale è legato alla ricerca di prodotti capaci di rivoluzionare profondamente la tipologia d’uso, infrangendo stereotipi comportamentali e privilegiando nuove ipotesi di ergonomia.
Compasso d'Oro (Golden Compass) is the first, and among the most recognized, awards in its field. The prize aims to acknowledge and promote quality in the field of industrial designs made in Italy and is awarded by ADI.
The Compasso d’Oro Award: