iF Design Award · 2011
HÅG Capisco Puls, iF Design Award, discipline: Product
The HÅG brand is known for office chairs that are visually attractive, ergonomic and environmentally friendly. The core of the HÅG sitting philosophy is "Passion for Movement" and to design chairs for active sitting. This is also the main thought behind the work chair HÅG Capisco Puls. The back and seat are shaped to reflect the curvature of the body and to encourage the user to stand-sit and to shift sitting positions through an active work day.
Another central idea behind the HÅG Capisco Puls is to produce a fully functional task chair with as little material as possible, hereby minimizing its carbon footprint.
Design by Peter Opsvik
Brand / Lisencee: Flokk / HÅG
iF Design Award 2011